As a small Marketing and PR Agency, we enjoy getting close and personal with our clients’ businesses. Whether it’s a ride-along with one of your employees or visiting you on-site to get a closer look at your business, we do whatever it takes to learn the ropes. Why?

You can only market a business if you know the company or its industry. We’re not experts in HVAC, farming, or the wedding industry, but we’ve become knowledgeable through research!

Our first-hand, close, and personal research lets us know who you are, what you stand for, and what your company is all about. We’ll learn your voice, image, branding inside and out, and your customer’s journey, to create meaningful, engaging content results in your business’s bottom line.

Our second-hand research includes a deep dive into your industry, the local market, and competitors. Our extensive research never stops; we’re constantly learning and keeping up with current trends to stay up-to-date and relevant.

Here are some of our favorite ways to research and why it matters.

Initial Research

The very first thing we do is run Google searches on our potential clients. Our initial research starts before we even submit a proposal or an RFQ. We like to know what we’re diving into beforehand so we can jump in prepared!

As we said earlier, when you sign on with IPSM, we want to know everything about your business,  including website and social media audits, in-person meetings, and a site/company tour. We want to know who you are to learn how to serve you best.

A website and social media audit helps us learn your story, see your visuals and branding, and understand your company’s identity, as well as sets a baseline for where we’re starting so we can measure success.

Competitor Analysis

Conducting a competitor analysis is a great way to get a feel for the local industry. By researching and auditing direct competitors for our client’s business, we quickly learn what the industry is all about. We can analyze what competitors are doing, what works and what doesn’t, the engagement they are getting, etc.

We now understand how other businesses market themselves and how the local market looks compared to our clients and can make research-based suggestions on what our clients should be doing, should stop doing, and how we can help them stand out from the rest.

A good old-fashioned Google Search!

When creating content for our client, whether it’s a social media post, blog, or other form of writing, we’re constantly researching to ensure we’re spreading the correct tips, tricks, and information. A good old-fashioned Google search is how we start to gather information on our topic. We always look for fact-checked, reliable sources from trustworthy sites. Just like a college paper, looking for the correct sources is key. Our next step is making sure our clients are happy with the information provided and having them incorporate their experienced knowledge and expertise. This process creates a well-researched piece of content that includes our own spin on the information to make it unique to our client.

Research is how we write content about why you should have a carbon monoxide detector, the latest wedding themes, or how to cook different cuts of steak! With research at your fingertips, creating content is easier than ever.

Content Ideas

As marketing professionals, we’re not only researching for our client’s industries, but we’re also keeping up with our own industry! The world of marketing is constantly changing. Keeping up with industry standards, trends, and best practices is essential. We love following along with Social Media Examiner for news and tips for our own marketing purposes.

We also use research to generate content ideas. Looking up hashtag holidays, relevant news relating to our clients and their industries, posts or video ideas – it’s a never-ending learning process. And that’s how we like it! Research doesn’t have to be boring. Scrolling on Instagram Reels, TikTok, or pinning pins on Pinterest are all kinds of visual research that can help your marketing.

Becoming an industry expert is our client’s job – we’re here to help them spread that knowledge and expertise to their audience! The next time you think about research, remember that it comes in many shapes and forms. At IPSM, we’re learning something new and fun every single day!

Are you struggling to market your business? Let us help! Reach out to our CEO and schedule a complimentary 15-minute call to see how we can take your business to the next level through a solid marketing plan.

Want more? Listen to our Plain Talk About Marketing Podcast episode Research in Marketing!