Are you APR Curious?
Join us to get answers to your accreditation questions from our panel of speakers who:
- Are currently going through the process of earning their Accreditation in Public Relations;
- Have recently earned their accreditation and have put it to good use, both career-wise and through public relations crises; and
- Went through the APR accreditation process years ago and can attest to the value of accreditation
Join our VP of Professional Development, Kathie Taylor, APR, and her guests Dan Davis, APR, Public Information Officer for the Carson City School District; Jena Esposito, APR, Public Relations Manager for KPS3; and Valentina Bonaparte, Public Information Officer for the Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation as they discuss what Accreditation in Public Relations has meant to their careers, their employers and clients and what it can mean for you!