Plain Talk About Marketing: Eclincher with Jordan and Olivia

Scheduling Your Social Media Posts: Why We Use eClincher

By Jordan Nicholson

There are many programs out there to schedule your social media posts to your platforms. With all these programs essentially producing the same outcome, scheduling social media, but offering different features, it can be hard to choose which one to go with. For us, eClincher has worked the best for our company’s needs and our client’s needs.

eClincher is simple to use, easy to learn and has a lot of great tools that makes it a valuable program to use. We are in it every single day checking clients’ likes and comments and scheduling social media posts to be published.

But what makes eClincher stand out among other publishing platforms?

One of the main reasons we chose eClincher as our scheduling site is the analytics capability. We can create customized reports for each of our clients every month to see how their social media sites are doing, how posts are performing, what’s gaining the most views and engagements, and detailed information about their audience.

The reports are easy to create and extremely detailed in their analysis. It’s an important asset to pull monthly and quarterly reporting that we can go through with our clients to help them understand how their campaigns are performing and help us understand if our social media strategy is working.

With one of our clients, we completely redesigned their social media strategy according to their analytics. We analyzed what days performed the best on what platforms, what posts made the most sense for each platform, and started their LinkedIn strategy from scratch. Nine months later, that strategy is performing well, with posting less often and less time spent on content creation.

Here are some of our favorite tips and tricks we use in eClincher:

Tips and Tricks for eClincher

  1. Make sure you’re saving your hashtags in the saved libraries tab. Saving a few varieties of hashtags allows you to quickly add your tags, while still customizing to the post and message, and making sure you aren’t posting the same tags for every post.
  2. When you are scheduling the same post for multiple social media platforms and need to customize hashtags or change the verbiage, always use the customize channel button. This allows you to schedule to different platforms at the same time while changing up each post to what you need for each platform. You can swap images, change verbiage, and add tags efficiently.
  3. Monitor your social feeds directly in the platform. You can see very tag, mention, reshare, comment, and DM through the monitoring tool. It makes it super easy to see all your social engagement in one place, instead of logging into and hopping through multiple platforms.
  4. Draft posts in the platform and schedule them when you’re ready. eClincher has a main calendar to see all your scheduled posts for the week or month, but it also has a separate calendar to draft posts right in the system. This way, once the post is approved to use you have it ready to go.

There are many social media scheduling platforms out there, so make sure to do your research when deciding which one is the best platform for you and your company!

Want to give eClincher a try?*

If you’re not sure where to start with your social media content creation, we can help! Schedule a FREE 15-minute call with our CEO.

*This post contains affiliate links.

Plain Talk About Marketing: eClincher Downloadable PDF