In Plain Sight Marketing

Tenacious. Creative. Curious.

We tell BIG stories for small businesses.

At In Plain Sight Marketing, we choose to work with clients who make our community and our region a better place to live, work and play.

We help our clients to align their marketing and business activities to achieve their overall business goals.

Our clients know the power of marketing and public relations and understand their role as the key to successful marketing.

Read more about what makes us different
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In Plain Sight Marketing is a marketing, communications, business development and public relations agency in Carson City, Nevada.



Exploration and Analysis

What is your mission, vision and purpose? Who are you targeting and why? What keeps you up at night? Research is the cornerstone of business success and provides the insight you need to ensure your goals are both smart and achievable.

Strategic Planning

You can’t get there if you don’t know where you are going. Strategic thinking helps us build the roadmap to your success and defines the tactics and outputs to help us achieve your goals.


This is the visual representation and messaging for your organization – the fun stuff every one associates with your brand. Creative outputs reflect how you want your target audiences to see you in your visual identity, campaign messaging and cross-channel communications concepts.


From concept to creation, our perfected creative deliverables take form – websites, video, photography, marketing assets and communications vehicles.


Where the rubber meets the road. Our people work with your people to carry out the strategies and tactics defined in the strategic planning and production phases. We monitor results to make sure we hit our milestones and objectives and tweak it when it needs tweaking.


This is the secret sauce to why IPSM is different – we don’t just throw tactics at the walls to see what sticks. We study your exposure, engagement, influence and action to see how we have impacted your bottom line.