At IPSM, we have three core values that define our culture and who we are as people.
Tenacious AF
We are unafraid to try new things. We believe in professional development. We bring a spirit of enthusiastic collaboration. We are tenacious about meeting our deadlines and going above and beyond for our clients and each other.
Creative AF
We are creative AF, not only in the content that we make but in how we think outside of the box with our strategies and the ways we serve our clients. We are a small and mighty team, and we know how to be scrappy and creative to deliver big results for our clients.
Curious AF
Our enemy is apathy. We refuse to do things simply because that’s the way it’s always been done. We are not afraid to fail because we win when we learn. We ask ourselves and each other, “And then what?” and “Why?”. We eat ambivalence for lunch.