You are our why. At IPSM, we choose to work with clients who share our vision of making Northern Nevada a better place to live, work and play.

“It is one of life’s greatest joys to wake up in the morning…
every morning, with a clear sense of why that day matters, why every day matters.” –Simon Sinek

We wake up every morning full of purpose and intention – to be the trusted advisors our clients depend on us to be and to maximize ROI.


Exploration and Analysis

We begin our journey together with discovery meetings to help us learn about you, your industry and your business. We also do a ton of research. In this phase, we’ll establish:

  • Your organization’s core values
  • Your MVP – mission, vision, purpose
  • Business goals – short and long term
  • Target audiences
  • Your unique value statement
  • Competitive analysis
  • Market analysis
  • Gap analysis
  • Your brand personality
  • What keeps you up at night

Strategic Planning

You can’t get there if you don’t know where you are going. Strategic thinking helps us build the roadmap to your success. In this phase we will establish:

  • Benchmarks to measure against
  • Target audience profiles
  • SWOT analysis
  • Objectives to achieve your business goals
  • Strategies, tactics and activities
  • Budget
  • Crisis and reputation management plans
  • What success looks like to you (and how to measure it)
  • Feedback loops


This is the visual representation and messaging for your organization – the fun stuff everyone associates with your brand. The creative outputs reflect how you want your target audiences to see you. In this phase we will establish:

  • Campaign messaging
  • Visual identity
  • Cross-channel communications concepts
  • Online presence


From concept to creation in this phase, our perfected creative deliverables take form.

  • Websites
  • Video
  • Photography
  • Marketing assets
  • Newsletters


Where the rubber meets the road. Our people work with your people to carry out the strategies and tactics defined in the strategic planning and production phases. We monitor results to make sure we hit our milestones and objectives, and tweak it when it needs tweaking.

  • Press releases and media relations
  • Community and government relations
  • Coalition building
  • Social media
  • Board development
  • Stakeholder and employee engagement


How did we do? What have we learned? How do we continue from here? What value did we add to your organization? This phase includes measurement against the goals and objectives we identified with you in strategic planning. Some metrics may include:

  • Exposure: how your audiences have been exposed to your message
  • Engagement: how you interacted with your audiences and stakeholders
  • Influence: to what degree did we influence your audiences’ perceptions and attitudes
  • Action: how your audiences acts on the message
  • Bottom line: how have we impacted your bottom line?
In Plain Sight Marketing Services