Workplace Wellness with Mark Mohammadpour, APR

Along with our theme of mental health, we bring you Mark Mohammadpour, APR, of Chasing the Sun - Your Team's Chief Well-Being Officer! Mark says "You work really long hours. And you deal with “‘work emergencies” - even in your downtime. It’s...

Nonprofit Public Relations – Diva Edition

Rachel Gattuso, APR, fueled by righteous indignation, and Renee Plain, jazz hands or fiesty depending on the day, get real about the challenges - and the joys - of nonprofit public relations. Read the transcript! [...]

The IPSM Team’s List of Favorite Influencers

In marketing and public relations, the industry is ever-changing, which makes it really important to keep up with industry trends and to find mentors and influencers that keep us current and on top of innovative [...]

  • Not so random acts of kindness photo collage

The New Not so Random Acts of Kindness

In marketing, hashtag holidays (#NationalDonutDay anyone?) are super fun to post about on social media. The challenge is often to find a way to tie it to our clients, their values, and their businesses. Random, [...]

BetterPR – The Importance of Mentorship

Mentorship is a two-way gift between the mentor and the mentee because knowledge, inspiration and wisdom can be passed both ways. A lifelong learner is always learning. Listen in to three seasoned PR pros from the PRSA Oregon Chapter, Mara Woloshin,...

  • 5 ways to interact with your ideal client-group of people looking at marketing devices

5 Ways to Interact with Your Ideal Client

5 Ways to Interact with Your Ideal Client Social Media Digital ads Email marketing Paid ads – print and broadcast Direct mail Return on Investment You gotta have a plan We’ve talked a lot about [...]

  • Ideal client profile happy face drawn on faceless avatars

Your Ideal Client Profile

So last month after offering big embarrassing evidence of not doing our homework on our ideal client profile, or avatar, for our in-depth marketing class, we figured it was time to talk about building your [...]